16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? We would like to have a TV, then a radio, then new beds, then a motorcycle. These are only dreams, though. 17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? To have more money and possessions 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? None. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? We value new things more. 20. What types of sacred objects are around the house? Buddhist altar. Photograph of a print. Buddhists always have 5 kinds of prints on altar; they use pictures because they can't always have print. 21. Describe the kinds of clothing each family member owns. T-shirts and trousers. 22. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms: Are they available and what family members use them? Ha drinks alcohol very occasionally. He will smoke, if alone in the office. If in the fields he will smoke less, perhaps 15 cigarettes/day. Vietnamese women do not smoke or drink. No firearms. Family Food & Shelter 23. A typical breakfast consists of: Rice, vegetable, meat, or fish and egg. 24. A typical lunch consists of: Rice, vegetable, meat, or fish and egg. 25. A typical dinner consists of: Rice, vegetable, meat, or fish and egg. 26. Are you satisfied with your food? No. We want our children to have better nutrition.